Ireland's Premier D&I Accreditation - Bronze

Investors in Diversity Marks Bronze


Investors in Diversity Bronze

The first of the three stages of Investors in Diversity accreditation. It provides organisations with a framework to put in place a strong foundation to embed D&I into wider organisational systems. In addition to being a starting point for those that are beginning their D&I journey, this best-practice model provides a roadmap that builds on existing initiatives to ensure the orgsnisation is equipped for the journey of becoming more Equitable and Inclusive.

Attainment Requirements: In order to gain Investors in Diversity Bronze accreditation, organisations must:

> Evidence that they have put in place appropriate D&I Policies

> Have delivered effective communication of policies to all staff

> Have undertaken D&I training for all Leaders.

Average Timescale: From start to finish, where there is commitment from the organisation, it takes circa six to eight weeks to attain Investors in Diversity Bronze.

Start your IiD Bronze Journey Today

From initial introductions through to our Inclusive Leadership training, all in the Irish Centre for Diversity have been a pleasure to work with. We look forward to furthering our accreditation journey with you.

Organisations Accredited with

Investors in Diversity Bronze

Investors in Diversity Marks Bronze


Start your IiD Bronze Journey Today


Throughout the Investors in Diversity process we assess and track your organisation’s D&I maturity and provide feedback and actions for making continuous improvement.

Maturity Model


Establishing a strong
D&I foundation.

> ICFD will review your people policies with D&I lens and report on areas for dev.

> Senior leaders will undertake D&I Training


Measuring the culture of your organisation with a D&I lens.

> An all-employee survey to understand the lived experience

> Mapping data against ICFD maturity model

> Benchmarking against national and sector data sets

> ICFD develop a D&I action plan based on findings


Making D&I part of the DNA of your organisation.

> Organisations undergo an in-depth self-assessment application against ICFD’s five pillars of excellence.

> Assessments are reviewed by ICFD experts, providing recommendations for continued improvement and D&I excellence to maintain leadership.