On-Site & Virtual Training
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Current Courses
Inclusive Leadership
Inclusive leaders get the best out of all their people, helping their organisations to succeed in today’s complex, diverse national and global environment. Through their skills in adaptability, building relationships and developing talent, inclusive leaders can increase performance and innovation. This course provides participants with an understanding of how to become a more inclusive leader, engage and support your teams to reach their potential.
Learning Objectives
- Reflection of own leadership skills.
- Characteristics of Inclusive leaders and how to adapt and enhance current management practice.
- Understanding how unconscious bias might be impacting culture and organisational processes.
- Understanding the importance of positive role modelling and getting the best out of teams so they reach their potential
Unconscious Bias
We all have unconscious bias and it affects our thinking and decisions in relation to others who we will see in either a positive or negative way.
Learning Objectives
- What is unconscious bias?
- What biases do you have?
- Are you making the right choices? What is the impact of unconscious bias in your decision making?
- Tips for managing unconscious bias so that you can make better decisions and improve the diversity credentials of your workplace unconscious bias needs to be addressed so that we are making the right choices in relation to hiring, promoting and performance management. This training session will support you to do this.
Inclusive Language
Language used in the workplace contributes to how much colleagues feel they belong and are included. The course gives understanding of the language to be used and acceptable ways of sharing experiences and insights with colleagues. The training provides the context for organisations to understand the impact of verbal and written language on their D&I credentials. It demonstrates how the science behind language use can influence decision making and behaviour. It introduces and explores the development and dynamic nature of language and the need to be fully cognisant of how it is used, particularly in its relationship to power and inequality.
Learning Objectives
- Understanding the relationship between language and behaviour
- Acknowledging the impact of unconscious bias in language
- Recognising the nature of language as part of a power dynamic – the potential for inequality
- Developing the skills to create a vocabulary of acceptable and unacceptable terminology
Introduction to Diversity & Inclusion
The interactive session will explore equality, diversity and inclusion from a range of perspectives including the business, moral and legislative context. Participants will have the opportunity to examine the various terminology relating to the legislation (e.g. types of discrimination) and its application.
Learning Objectives
- An understanding of equality, diversity and inclusion within an organizational context
- An understanding of the legislative framework and its application
- An understanding of the different types of discrimination
Inclusive Recruitment
Many organisations do not have diverse teams in place and do not assess how they could improve their recruitment processes. This course will provide participants with guidance and tools to enhance recruitment processes in addition to understanding how bias can impact on recruitment decisions.
Learning Objectives
- Good practice regarding Diversity and Inclusion in recruitment.
- Tools and guidance to enhance inclusive recruitment practice and strategies.
- The impact of unconscious and conscious bias within the recruitment process and steps to overcome bias in the workplace.
- Legislation regarding equality and recruitment.
Psychological Safety
This course covers the importance of creating a safe workplace culture and workspace where colleagues can feel comfortable sharing their true selves and different perspectives. The course also covers why this culture and workspace also respects a decision to keep things confidential and not share.
Learning Objectives
- Learn what psychological safety is and how it is such a critical part of inclusion and belonging.
- Explore the concept of what psychological safety means to different people and why it is important
- Examine how leaders can create a psychologically safe environment for their teams
- Explore practical ways to honour safety, dignity and respect in the workplace with regard to language and behaviours.
Allyship, at its core, is about supporting and advocating for groups that are different from your own, particularly those who are marginalised or underrepresented.
Learning Objectives
- Explore the concept of allyship and its significance within the workplace and our communities.
- We will:
- Gain a greater understanding of the role of privilege and how unconscious bias can impact on true allyship.
- Identify why passive allyship is pointless and can lead to exclusion.
- Gather some key tips on practical strategies for effective allyship.
Active Bystanding
This course explores the reasons why people do not act in situations and covers the importance of being an active bystander in the workplace or community settings.
Note – While the course features practical ‘How to’ tips, we are not advising anyone to put themselves in danger by acting or intervening in situations where they may be harmed
Learning Objectives
- Identify the concept of being an active bystander
- Explain how to become an active bystander
- Describe the key dos and do nots of being an active bystander
- Demonstrate the importance of the ABCs of safety
Cultural Awareness
This cultural awareness workshop is designed to explore elements of culture with the aim of providing a foundation for the development of cultural competence. The course will define culture and present models which will aide participants in their work with people from different cultural backgrounds than their own. There will be an opportunity to explore one’s own cultural identity as this is said to be critical to the achievement of comfort with the cultural identity of others.
Learning Objectives
- Understand the components which comprise “culture” and “identity”and how these may be used to promote more effective interventions.
- Identify how issues, problems and concerns which may arise when working across cultures might be addressed.
- Recognise their role in acknowledging personal beliefs, cultural differences and boundaries.
- Define their own culture and the impact of self on practice situations.
Diversity and Inclusion Masterclass
This training course has been designed to provide an overview of diversity and inclusion so you will be able to identify how this relates to your role and to the workplace.
Learning Objectives
- What is the definition of diversity and inclusion and why does it matter?
- Who does the legislation cover?
- Tips for recognising and preventing bullying and harassment
- Steps to developing a diverse and inclusive workplace
Mental Health in the Workplace
This training course will assist you to recognise and better understand mental health issues so that you can help and support colleagues and encourage positive mental health in the workplace.
Learning Objectives
- What is mental health and what does the law cover?
- Types of mental health issues
- What workplace adjustments might be needed for someone with a mental health issue?
- Let’s talk about it – supporting mental health in the workplace
Creating a Culture of Dignity and Respect in the Workplace
This workshop is designed for employees who may have some understanding of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion but want to know more. Specifically, it looks at how to create a respectful workplace where everyone’s voice is heard and where inappropriate behaviours are tackled.
Learning Objectives
Participants will:
- Be reminded what Equality, Diversity and Inclusion mean in the workplace setting.
- Explore the concept of dignity and respect in the workplace with regard to language and behaviours.
- Be made aware of ways to deal with inappropriate behaviours and practice how to deal with difficult workplace situations.
- Identify ways to be more inclusive everyday.
Gender Equality / Gender Matters
For gender equality in the workplace to be achieved, both women and men need to be able to enjoy the exact same, opportunities, rewards and resources, regardless of their gender.
Learning Objectives
- Gender stereotypes in society and the workplace
- Addressing Gender equality within the workplace
- Gender equality and the law
- Removing barriers and developing an inclusive workplace
Disability in the Workplace
This training course has been designed to provide you with the tools to support a customer or colleague who is covered as a disabled person under legislation.
Learning Objectives
- What is the definition of a disabled person in law – what do you look for?
- Disability etiquette – are you getting it right?
- When do you have to make reasonable accommodation and what is “reasonable”?
- Top tips for supporting disabled customers and colleagues
Race Awareness
This course is for all employees who would like to enhance their knowledge of race awareness and support colleagues to ensure there is inclusion for Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic people in the workplace.
Learning Objectives
- Race and terminology /Race and the law
- The impact of multi identities/ intersectionality
- Removing barriers for Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) people/ employees in the workplace
- Managing and overcoming conscious and unconscious racial bias
LGBTQ+ Awareness / LGBTQ+ Inclusion in the Workplace
This course provides participants with an understanding of LGBTQ+ communities in the workplace. There is still stigma and discrimination for those who identify as LGBTQ+ in society and in the workplace.
Learning Objectives
- What does LGBTQ+ mean? Overview of sexual orientation and gender identity
- Sexual orientation, gender identity and the law
- Multi identities/intersectionality
- Removing barriers for LGBTQ+ people/employees
‘Neurodiversity’ is a relatively new term that refers to people who have dyslexia, autism, ADHD, dyspraxia and other neurological conditions. These are ‘spectrum’ conditions, with a wide range of characteristics, but which nevertheless share some common features in terms of how people learn and process information. This course provides an overview of neurodiverse conditions and demonstrates how colleagues and managers can be inclusive to employees and colleagues with these conditions.
Learning Objectives
- What are the Models of Disability
- Overview of Dyslexia, Autism, ADHD and Dyspraxia in adults
- Strengths of neurodiverse conditions
- Reasonable accommodations for people with neurodiverse conditions
D&I Champion Programme
Our Diversity & Inclusion Champion programme has been developed to support a team of people in your organisation, to become confident and competent in D&I. This initiative celebrates those who proactively engage in fostering an inclusive and diverse workplace, contributing to a culture where every employee feels valued and important.
The Diversity & Inclusion Champion programme is available for groups of 8-10 people
Each person on this programme will undertake group 6 x 2 hour training sessions followed by a one-to-one coaching session with a D&I expert.
- Introduction to D&I with Unconscious Bias
- Inclusive Language
- Race/Ethnicity Equality
- Disability in the workplace
- LGBTQ+ Inclusion
- Gender Equality
All ‘Champions’ will receive a logo (for adding to email signatures, websites etc) certificate and lanyard. This visibility means they are easily identified as the ‘Go-to’ person for any colleagues that may have questions around D&I.
Inclusive Leadership Development Programme
This personal development course has been devised for leaders of organisations who are looking to build their knowledge, understanding and competency around becoming an Inclusive Leader while enhancing their learning around wider Diversity.
The 3-step programme uses an Assess Improve Review (AIR) model
> Self-assessment ‘I-Test’ to ascertain the starting level of Inclusion
> Results used to create Inclusive Leadership Development Plan of 10 x one-to-one coaching; support and education sessions with modules covering FREDIE™ (Fairness, Respect, Equality, Diversity,
Inclusion & Engagement) and more
> I-Test re-run to highlight areas of improvement
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To find out more about any of these training courses and how they would benefit your organisation please contact one of our team today.