Meet The Team

A team of highly-trained and experienced Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) consultants

Caroline Cummins (Tyler)

James Cawley Jnr

Business Development Manager

James provides guidance and support for organisations that are looking to move the needle on their D&I journey of continuous improvement.

James is a proud disabled person from rural Co. Longford who lives independently using a Personal Assistance Service. He has established a high profile as one of Ireland’s leading Disabled activists and has a wealth of accomplishments in advancing D&I.

James was formerly the Policy Officer for a National Disabled Persons Organisation (DPO) which is led by and for Disabled people. He graduated with a BA in Business and Geography, a Professional Masters of Education and most recently completed a Level-9 certificate in “Leading Transformative Education” at Maynooth University. James was a secondary school teacher and has done research on disability issues on a National and European level.

James co-facilitated the disability studies certificate course at Maynooth University. He is a member of the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission (IHREC) Disability Advisory Committee and featured in their TV, Cinema and Radio campaign “All Human – All Equal”. James was appointed to many Government policy forums in the past including the Disability Stakeholder Group (DSG 6) and Taxi Advisory Committee. He was an active board member and Chairperson of the EAPN – European Anti Poverty Network.